for our summer vacation we all went to connecticut to visit our family. papa and nana picked us up at the airport, starting two full weeks of family fun. but before the fun could begin, eric needed the help of TSA (actually he needed a screwdriver) to fix the carseat that jammed in air.
we were told it had been rainy and cold for 21 days straight; however, on wednesday it was sunny, humid and 85 degrees. it did beat the 100 degrees plus of austin, but still. christie wanted chilly, and eventually it was chilly. we donned long sleeves and socks a couple of mornings and slept with the windows open. now that is summer.
during the two weeks simon met family, friends and animals. he chatted and giggled with cousins; seemed to be soothed extra easy by his aunt lisa (he fell asleep in her lap, which doesn't usually happen. is it because we look so much alike?); watched the 14 wild turkeys in his nana and papa's yard in the mornings with nana; refused to eat rice cereal almost every morning; met milo (the new, adorable judd dog. simon got his first full on canine kiss.); visited, napped or sat in a swing while mom and dad play texas hold 'em and nine hole golf with olivia, caroline, ben and kileigh; hiked a portion of the appalachian trail with papa; watched poker with dad; ate sugar from a donut that aunt geri gave him when mom turned her back; visited the beach in ct and rhode island; received many hugs and kisses from friends mom hadn't seen in years. it was a fabulous two weeks.
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